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Some Avery Stats, it's been a while!

Avery loves to look at "cooks" (books). She always puts them in front of us and wants us to read to her. Just some stuff about Avery at this age:

She can tell us what a cow, horse, cat, dog, squirrel, bird, duck, sheep, and snake says. She can tell us what a car says and a momma says (blows kisses).

She can point her Gigi, Pops, Jordy, sissy, momma, dadda, nawni and poppy in pictures. She can point out (and say) Bert, Cookie Monster (Cookie), Melmo, Grover (Go Go), Minnie (Mouse), puppy, and point to a cat (but she says meow).

She is starting to sing the ABCs, although her letters are not discernable. But the tune is! It's pretty nuts. When we tell her to sing the ABCs, she will start to sing and tune and say things sounding like letters. When we count to ten, she can say "thee" and "nine" and will count with us. She can also sing the B-I-B-L-E, but she says, B-I-B-I-E. But she does try to sing it. She also will sing to "This little light of mine." There is a part that says, "hide it under a bushel, no!" and when that song comes on, even from the beginning, she will say "NO!" over and over. I don't know how she recognizes it so fast. The other song she will sing is "I've got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart." There is a part that says, "And if they devil doesn't like it, he can sit on a tack. Ouch!" And when THAT song comes on, she just starts saying, "OUCH!" over and over.

She loves to play peek a boo. She will walk around with things covering her head, and take it off and say "Boo!" Or any time we are hiding, when she is looking for us, she says, "Boo!" Last night, after her bath, she kept putting the towel over her head and saying "Boo!" over and over.

She is very, very good at saying no. And she will also say "uh-uh." So she will say, "no, uh-uh" to us when she doesn't want to do something. Last night we were playing and she ran away with delight and said, "no no ma!" Sometimes, I like that she can say no. Like, when we say, "do you want any more bites?" If she is hungry she will eat, but if not she will simply say "no." I do think we are going to have some issues with her being obstinent in her life. She is a little stinker at times. When we tell her "no," especially with something like touching the controls on the TV or standing up in her rocking chair, she will look at us, AS she is doing it, and say "no, no, no." Like, "I know what I am doing is wrong, what of it?" Luckily, Jason and I don't want to raise a kid that doesn't obey so we are working on it. It's her age and she is not hard to deal with, even when she is disobeying. And if we work on behaving, obeying and consistant discipline, I have no doubt we will get through this stage just fine.

She also says "yes" and knows what it means. "Do you want to go night night?" we will ask. The funny thing is, if she does, she will shake her head yes and go lay right to sleep. She sleeps through the night and usually goes down around 7:30. She is only taking one nap a day now, she just kind of transitioned into that herself within the last couple of weeks. She will usually eat anything you give her. She calls everything crackers or cookies, or "yummy" if she wants a bite. She can identify an "apple" and "nana" (for banana).

She can also identify her hair, head, toes (and say it), feet, belly button, eyes, ears, nose, and someone else's mouth. She can say and identify "shoes," "bow," "cup" and "dink" (for drink).

She can march if you ask her, run (or try to), dance, and jump (or try to, she never gets off the ground.) She can also put her hands up and say "Ta da!" She is a great copier and will almost always at least try to say something if you tell her to. She picks up on it so quickly. Usually, if you tell her something, it only takes her a few times to say it and learn it. Her memorization skills are incredibly advanced for her age. It's amazing how well she remembers what you teach her. She also has a very large vocabulary. I couldn't tell you how many words she can say, but as far as how many she can say and use correctly, I would say it's around 20, if not more.

She is also a very tough cookie. She falls down alot and almost never cries about it. She will just look at us and say "Uh-oh." (This is the Sophia gene in her, because she is almost exactly like her sister!) She has alot of people in her life who don't make fusses about falling down, luckily. Every once in a while, she will fall and it will scare her and run over to her dad and me. But a quick kiss and hug and she is out and running again. She is also very determined and doesn't let failing once stop her from trying to do something. She will try something once, then try it a different way. She is ALWAYS experimenting. She will pick up a scarf and have it on herself 4 different ways, then lay it down, then pick it up and do something else with it. She tried to climb stairs over and over until she got it. Now, we can't keep her off stairs! She will go up and down (and up and down, and up and down, and up and down, and up and down). I guess a good word for her right now would be "busy!" Always busy.

Lately, she is a very loving kid. She loves to come up randomly and hug our legs or she will say "ups!" just so we pick her up and give her kisses or hugs. I am loving this stage right now. It's so fun that she can finally love you back and show it physically. She will get up from where she is and come sit in my lap, or lean on me when we are watching cartoons, or put her head on my shoulder. It's the sweetest thing.

It is absolutely NEVER lost on me, how blessed I am to have her. She is a true miracle, a pure joy in my life that I didn't deserve but got anyway. I never take one minute of her life for granted and I never ever stop thanking God for her. I love her with all of my heart!!


Dina said…
She and Katie are so similar! It was fun reading about Avery!

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