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Why America May Eventually Fall

I know I haven't really gone political on this blog before, but this is about my viewpoints on all things, so if you aren't interested, this might be one to skip.

I read an article today that scared me a little bit. It is an article showing how China is going to surpass America as the #1 world power by 2016. If you are interested in reading this article, click here. I don't know why this article surprises me; it is really only a matter of time before America stops being #1 as world power.

I might be completely unAmerican for saying the things I am about to say, but here I go. The success of the United States is dependant on the notion that the citizens that live within it are to be productive, hard working people. As a whole, more and more to the population no longer fits that
mentality and mold. When this country started, it was built on the backs of hard working, inventive people. I am not going to get into other debates about our ancestors and their downfalls, ultimately, our ancestors, ALL of our ancestors had no choice BUT to make a better life for themselves and for our children. There was no one given them anything, no hand outs. You either worked hard to make money, worked hard to eat, you survived the best way you knew how, and broke through when you could, or you did not make it. You took advantage of the opportunities that were provided for you, when and where they showed up, if they showed up at all. People had an entrepreneurial mindset, and in a country like the United States, this type of mindset could thrive and grow. In a country like the United States, a capitalistic society, we HAVE to be people, lots of people, who are taking advantage of the opportunities they have at their fingertips, or else, the system will fail. The reason economies in this world over time go to things like socialism and communism is that lazy overrules hard work and government can eventually come in and take advantage. That is where we will go if something does not change.

We have freedom in this country. Freedom is a fantastic thing, don't get me wrong. But freedom has it's downfalls. It is one of those things, such as the ability to make money in a free enterprise, that can eventually be abused enough that the government has no choice but to take it away because it's citizens are not using their freedoms responsibly. What freedom is to me is the ability to choose whatever life I want. If I want to be rich, I can. If I want to start a new business, I can. Unfortunately, in a free society I can also choose to be lazy. I can also choose to sit around all day, doing nothing, getting government assistance, and living my life as a drain on society. The thing is, in places like China and Japan, people don't have a choice but to be productive. Alot of this stems from the fact that there are so many people living in these countries, they have to be the best or else they won't survive. They understand that in order to stay competitive within a world economy, they must continue to be better and better, show initiative and educate themselves. They live in a world of pressure. Americans do not. Americans take so many things for granted; it's only been recently, with the economic downturn, that Americans have begun to understand what it's truly like to suffer.

What do Americans do when the going gets tough? They expect more from the government. Give us more. Pay us more. Find us jobs. When any and all Americans have the opportunity and freedom to find a way to make money, to become educated, to become productive, some do. But alot don't. What can the government do for me? How can I get by on the littlest amout of effort I possibly have to put forth? Most Americans have the power to change their circumstances. It might not happen right now, but it will happen, little by little, if you try.

Unfortunately, less and less Americans are producing so what is happening is that we are consuming more than we are producing. We are becoming more reliant on other countries for aid, jobs, and assitance. It is not helping that our government does not know what in the world they are doing. We have no one leading us to do anything. We have no one inspiring us, to tell us to pull ourselves up by our boot straps and do something about your situation. We are not united, we are all about "me me me." If something doesn't change, we are in for a world of trouble. If, God forbid, someone DOES say, "Do something about it!" They are skewed by every political "news" program from here to Kingdom Come, which are also led by people who don't know what they are talking about. It's sad, really. We have the opportunity and the freedom and so few of us actually take advantage.

I supposed there are alot of arguments to what I've said, but ultimately, when it comes down to it, I want someone to expect me to be the best. Expect me to rise up. Perservere. Do something. I want my parents to expect things from me. I want my government leaders to expect things from me. I want my teachers to expect things from me. I want America to be great again. I think we are yearning for someone who will step in and make this country succeed again. Is Donald Trump it? Who knows. I want someone who isn't afraid of people hating him, who says, "DO SOMETHING or this is where we are headed!" I don't a leader to appease and coddle. I don't want to be #2 to China, or any other country, for that matter. Do you?



Anonymous said…
I'm reading this post on Independence Day, 2012, and I've been thinking about how little independence we truly have in this country. We are dependent on so many things; Foreign oil, Domestic Coal, an Outsourced Workforce, Government Aid, the list goes on. What are we free from, exactly? What is going on in other countries that makes us think we're better than them?

I disagree that 'most americans' (whoever they might be, obviously not YOU, author of this post) don't want to work hard and better themselves. I think that very few people aspire to being leeches on society. I also disagree that our government has no idea what they are doing. They are an extremely well-funded and well-educated group of people and they know EXACTLY what they are doing. It's called exploitation, and it's a very old game. It's not the fault of 'most americans' that productive jobs have been sent to other countries, where the labor is cheaper because the quality of life is lower. It isn't our fault that the only way to stay above the poverty line is to become a part of this system of exploitation.

Americans have one job these days. SPEND MONEY. where that money comes from? who cares. What we spend it on? Who cares. There is a high demand for goods to be inefficiently consumed and disposed of to keep the money flowing. Poverty is not as bad as being a cog in that machine. I don't care if we are #2 country #12 country. What our leaders are doing to us is intentional, and it isn't right. I want us to be a country that does what is right. That matters so much more than being #1 king country.

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