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The Move

I didn't take one single picture of moving. Why, you ask? It was pretty much the hardest move ever, mainly because it rained for 14 hours straight on Saturday. Almost every large piece of furniture we have was damaged in the move, including our upright piano. You all know most of those pieces were hand me downs, garage sale items, or Craigslist finds, but it still broke my heart to see the knicks, scrapes and holes in the furniture I worked so hard on. I especially hated seeing the piano get scraped. I had been considering either painting it or refinishing it anyway, but it just broke my heart to know that it had been so well preserved for all these years in my family, just to have it damaged in one day.
I can fix everything, so I am not devastated or anything, but I was upset when I saw it. But, we got everything over, so that's good. The cable guy also came yesterday and told us that Direct TV cannot work in this new house, so we are going to have to find another company who will service the house. We might just go without cable for a month, until we can replace our TV in our living room. That was another CL find, and it already had a tinge of yellow to it, but now, after the move, it's changed to green. Unfortunately, it's going to have to go. I am not going to pay $350 to repair on old projection screen TV when I can find a new flat panel one for the same price. But we have internet and Netflix and Hulu, so that works just fine, for now.
On a positive note, our stuff is fitting surprisingly well into the new place! I really thought the house would swallow our stuff whole, but it hasn't. I have plenty of decorative pieces for the walls, all of the bedrooms are going to be great, the dining room table and living room furniture go really well into the new house, and we can BOTH fit our cars in our garage, which is the first time that's happened! We were sitting there watching a movie last night, just going, "Can you believe we LIVE here?" It's just amazing how well this has all worked on. Two years ago, you wouldn't have convinced me this is how things would have turned out!!
There are just funny things that I am seeing and learning about this house. For one, Jason is VERY handy. I will say, "can you fix ____?" And two minutes later, it's done. Just little things, like the toilet in our bathroom was running, he fixed it. The bathtub needed a good cleaning of the pips, he fixed it. He fixed the keypad on the garage. Stuff like that. Luckily, this house is in incredible shape, the last owners REALLY kept it up well, so we were lucky in that aspect, but it's nice to have someone who knows how to do things. I am taking advantage of this time right now, the time that he is enjoying being a handy man and actually using his tools. I know that won't last forever! For another, we have marble floor on about 60% of the house. It is really hard on our feet to walk around with shoes on, so it looks like I am going to get some good house shoes! I never thought as house shoes as a necessity, but it is for us!
This house is just such a blessing. I know I keep going on and on about it, but it's just a dream come true. You just never know what God has in store for your life! Yesterday, in Sunday school (I teach the 1st and 2nd graders) we learned about Job. That's a great story in alot of ways (it's a hard one to teach to kids, for sure!) Anyway, there is comfort in that story, even though he lost EVERYTHING, God was still in control of his life. As I go through this time of blessing in my life, it never leaves my mind, nor do I take for granted, that all of this "stuff" is really just "stuff" and that God giveth and God taketh away. Just like watching all of my furniture get damaged, I kept things in perspective that God provided those things to me when I needed them in the first place and gave me the knowledge and training to fix them, so who knows, after I am done with them, they might even look better! But I am telling God thank you all the time for what He has given my family. But I prayed a prayer today that God never let me forget our struggle and journey to get where we are. I also prayed to keep my perspective on these things. I thanked God for the most important things in my life, my husband, kids, and family. And I asked God for the wisdom to continue to do what He asks and to use the resources wisely and for His glory.
Have a great Monday!


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