I was going to post a few of my past days 30 days of prayer and the topics, but something else sideswiped me today, so I thought it was only fitting that I pray for something else today, including my marriage. I do NOT always like to be the bigger person. There, I said it. Sometimes, it's nice to be the bigger person, because you feel good about yourself, knowing that you have done the right thing. Other times, being the bigger person JUST. PLAIN. STINKS. I feel really sorry for Jason sometimes. Being divorced with kids involves ALOT of being the bigger person. Especially when there is someone that just doesn't want to cooperate. I had a taste of what it was like tonight to have someone just not care, one small little bit, about someone else's life, feelings, or time. Let me tell you, in alot of life's circumstances, you have control over the situation, to a certain degree. Divorce and children is not one of those circumstances if you are the parent who does not hav...
A 30-Something Woman's Views On All Things Interesting