I recently read an article on Babycenter entitled " Please Stop Buying Toys For My Kid ." I have no idea why, but the title just put me off. This is such a first world problem. In fact, most all of our problems in this country are first world problems and it aggravates me. This author goes on to basically complain that she doesn't have space for all of the toys people buy her child...once again, first world problem. I get it, ok. We are all surrounded by Toys R Us, Walmarts, Targets, etc, and it's easy to go overboard with toys for their birthdays and Christmas. I get it, it's hard to organize them. You feel like they are overwhelming your life. But I don't know - to sit there and complain that your child has too many toys is just insulting to me. There are kids in this world who will never have a toy bought for them for Christmas or their birthday and you are sitting there complaining that people are buying your child too many, like it'...
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