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Showing posts from July, 2018

My Weight Loss Journey and Tackling the Batman

It's no secret that I've lost a substantial amount of weight in the last year. The surprising part comes when I tell people how much weight I have lost. I am very fortunate to be as tall as I am because it hides weight gain well. Most people wouldn't believe how much I weighed last summer at this time...225 pounds. That is 9 pounds heavier than my heaviest pregnancy weight and the heaviest I've ever been in my life.  I'm not saying I was ugly, because I wasn't. But it wasn't me. I didn't feel like me, at all. I went through this period of working constantly, being this entreprenuer and I looked at myself in the mirror at night and thought, "I don't even recognize myself anymore." I remember going shopping one day and having to not only shop in the plus-size section, but I was into double XL clothes. In the middle of the store, I sobbed silently because nothing I was about to get was cute or represented who I was. I was severely dep...

What Now? Back Into The Single Life

I signed my final decree this last week. This upcoming week, my divorce will be final. On one hand it's still very surreal and on another hand, I've started to become used to it. I was asked this week how do I feel about it and my answer is simply "yes." Whatever feeling you can think of, that's how I feel.  Mostly though, I am excited for what God has for me. There's clearly a reason all of this has happened and as a believer, I know God has some plans for my life. It's been interesting, growing to become accustomed with the single life again. It's been nice to have the ability to do what I want when I want, spend my money how I choose, try new things and have the excitement of not knowing everything that is around the corner. Do not get me wrong; even now, I would never choose divorce over working on my marriage. But since I wasn't given a choice in the matter, I am choosing to make the best of things.  i haven't thought much about d...