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Showing posts from January, 2011

Jordan, Sophia, and Avery

There alot of people have been asking how the kids are doing with Avery. Well, they are doing really well! Sophia really loves being a good helper. Every time Avery cries, Sophia comes over and pats her back and says "It's ok, it's ok." Or she will go grab her pacifier, or a toy. She loves to sit in front of her or beside her a talk to her. It's really sweet to watch. She is also te clean diaper getter and the dirter diaper disposer. One night, I had left a diaper on the dresser during a middle of the night change and forgot to put it in the pail and when Sophia came over that evening she said, "Did you remember to leave this for me to throw away? You've needed me to be here, huh?" Um, yes, that's why I left it. So sweet that she thinks that, though. Jordan reminds me so much of Jason and the way he talks to Avery. He will sit by her and say, "Do you see the puppy?" "Is that red?" He is such a good educator. He loves loves to ...

Just Avery

I love this girl!

Avery the Model

So, of course, we have to dress her up a little bit. She doesn't like it all the time, but she is so darn cute.

The Bouncer

Vibrating Bouncer: Best invention ever. Not even sorry to say she spends alot of time in it. Cutie!

Avery playing

Avery has been playing since she was born. She didn't really like it too much in the beginning, but is starting to really like being on her activity mat, listening to noises. She can really see the colors black red and white, so she has a favorite rattle that hangs on her car seat. She has also been spending time on her tummy since she was born and man, that girl can hold her head up like a champ! She can tolerate tummy time for about 3 minutes now before she just has a fit. I am glad I am doing it, though, she is so strong already!

Avery and Mommy

Since it's my own phone, I only have a few pictures of me and the baby. Jason has alot on his phone and the camera. It took a few days for me to realize that of all of the pictures everyone was taking with Avery, I wasn't taking any with her and I. And, I haven't gotten many of Jason, her and I. I just don't think of these things. I am trying to get better! Anyway, I love that girl. She is a cutie pie! \

Avery and Daddy

Jason is such a good dad. Of course, I knew this about him when I married him, but it's always wonderful to have it reinforced all the time. I loved watching him with his kids, but now, I love watching him with our child. He loves to play with her, talk with her, and make her active. I really appreciate how he is with her because we compliment each other very well when it comes to parenting. We don't always agree, but we work together pretty well, I think. I love you, honey....

Avery Grace - First Week Home

I finallly got my phone to connect so I can put some pictures up on the blog. There are more on Jason's phone and my camera, but those will have to wait. I already have so many that I feel like I have to post them all, but I know I will never be able to do that. I am just not one of those mothers who posts updates when they actually happen and who has the patience to always wait on these stupid computers! I think I have done well to take the pictures I have because I am not a good picture taker! Here are the pictures I have of her on my phone of the first week she was home. I didn't notice it at the time, but her skin did have a tinge of yellow. They told me she was slightly jaundice and I can see it when I look at these pictures. Surprisingly, we have alot of pics with that paci in her mouth. She won't take another pacifier, no matter which one we have tried. There must be a reason hospitals use them! We also only swaddled her about the first 2 days, after, that, we just...