So, it's a little misleading - I am not posting pictures of Avery in her big girl bath. I really don't know why, but I feel a little uncomfortable posting them on a public blog. If it was private, I wouldn't have a problem. But I've been getting alot of spam comments lately, and so, I don't know.
Anyway, she is sitting up now pretty good! So in her bath, we have her sitting up (with a firm hand, of course). Last night, we put all of the rubber duckies in with her and she looked like such a big girl, playing with those duckies. I think she is going to be like her sister - Sophia LOVES the bath and will play and play, if you let her. I remember when she had just turned 4, it was hard just to get her to wash her hair. Bath for her is not to get clean and get out, it's to play. Jordan, on the other hand, doesn't bring in his toys - he wants to get clean and get out. Kids are so funny, how different they are.
When she sits up, she just hits the water with her hand and splashes and splashes. When she lays down, she kicks and kicks and laughs. I can not WAIT to get her in that pool this summer....
On the way home, Avery pooped all over her outfit and had pooped all over the outfit that she wore to Ms Pams. She is a little pooping machine! So, I had her in her diaper till bathtime. I went to get some dinner and came home and Jason just put a bib on her. In my head I was thinking, why a bib? Aren't they meant to protest their clothes? But it was pretty adorable. Men are funny, aren't they?
Then, I had Jason take a picture of us right before bed. This is one of my favorite things to do with her, hold her and sing. And I don't want to forget it when she gets older. She just watches me - doesn't take her eyes off me for one second. I love that part of my day.
Well, once again, after everything I had to do last night, I didn't get to exercise. That would be three days in a row that I've not had time. Oh well, at least I am eating good. I try not to think about weight - my clothes are fitting better, so the weight will come off if I just keep on truckin.
Have a great Thursday, everyone!