So, unintentionally, I've taken a blogger hiatus. This weekend was pretty busy. Mother's Day was GREAT! I got a new camera from my mom that I've been furiously using, but haven't figured out a fast way to upload the pictures yet. Even though my camera phone takes not-so-great pictures, every picture I take uploads automatically to Photobucket. I copy the code from Photobucket right into Blogger and voila! It takes about 10 seconds for that picture to get onto my blog. That's one of the main reason I've hesitated buying a camera. I was afraid I wouldn't use it since they aren't super easy and fast to upload. We shall see!
So, there are two things I wanted to share with you. First, I guess by this picture we knows who orders the office supplies at MY work, huh??
Yes, that says "Dundler Mifflin" and it's actually a brand from Staples. Great marketing ploy! It was on sale, what can I say? What's sad is that only one guy at my office actually noticed or even knew why this was funny. Sigh.
The second is that I felt that I needed to write about how my diet is going. It's safe to say, that it isn't. I went off the rails a couple weeks ago and haven't done a very good job of staying on track. I really don't know what's going on with me and my complete and total deferrment from dieting. It's sad, really. I feel as though I have no will power! I am struggling with it right now and maybe I need some encouragement? Maybe it's time I join a club like Curves or something with a group of women who can keep me accountable and actually notice if I am making improvement? Any words or advice would be greatly appreciated at this point!