Do you ever just find yourself bored? Not like, unhappy bored, just like a "nothing really out of the ordinary or interesting has happened lately" bored. Or a "I need to find something to pour my creativity into" bored.
I keep trying to figure out a way to incorporate working out into something fun I can do besides just thinking about it as exercise. It's really not the easiest thing to do.
I would really like to go somewhere. It's been such a long time since I've taken an actual vacation. I suppose you could call Seattle a "vacation" but I am talking about without children, just me and my husband. Do you know we've never been on a vacation together? Now that's just sad. I am keeping my eyes peeled for ultra good deals on hotels and flights, so we will see where that leads us.
I feel bad because I haven't posted in a few days and I haven't taken a picture of Avery since Saturday. So, if I am not posting about Avery or a picture of her, I guess I just don't post at all? That's sad too. So, here is my "wish list" post of projects I have on my brain to do and places I wish Jason and I could go on a trip.
Paint my wall in my bedroom
Get new curtains (for several areas of the house)
Subway art in our living room with the words to "Stay With You" by John Legend (what we danced to at our wedding)
Redo dresser in bedroom
Redo Table in kitchen
Make a patio table from scratch
Finish word art for dining room
Finish paintings for bedroom
Paint mirror black for bedroom
I am tired already!
Jason's uncle and aunt live in Hawaii and they came over to have dinner with us last night. Their son is going to DBU this semester so they came to drop him off. They told us we need to hurry and visit just in case they are called somewhere else! Um, ok!
My friend April just moved to a large townhome in New Jersey but it's still a real close trip to Manhattan. She has a one year old too and insisted Jason and I fly out to visit her and her husband. Um. ok!
My friend Nikki lives in Tennessee and we were talking about meeting up somewhere to have another girls' weekend. Where? Who knows and who cares!!!
Jason and I want to take the kids to stay in a cabin in Brokenbow, OK this year. No kidding, they ALL look like this one!
Man, I better get busy!