Avery's got some new words and some new interests! She is in this phase where she loves balls. Basketballs, tennis balls, footballs. She will point at one and say "bawl" and just carry it around. Yesterday, she got up in the couch and wanted every ball she saw up there with her. She would point to one and I would put it up there with her and she would just smile.
Shari said that is how Jason was when he was a kid and he turned out to be a great ahtlete. I think that Jason is hoping that this is an indication of how much she will like sports.
She also loves her "babies." She will wake up in the morning and say "Babies!" and point to her babies. She always has one in her hands. It's so cute. She is also saying "Ups!" That means she wants us to pick her up or put her up on something. It's so cute! It's so funny when they reach the age when they can communicate back with language.
She is also saying "Bewwa" (Bella), "Bubby" or "Bubba" for Jordan, Pops, she says "Pippa," which is a dog at her daycare. She is really smart and picks up on things crazy fast.
It's so fun to watch kids grow!!