If I had to guess, I would bet we are within two weeks of little Miss crawling. She is pretty darn close!! We set her on her bottom and as soon as she gets bored playing, she is on her stomach or rocking back and forth. We look down and she looks like this...
She has also taken more of an interest in the dogs lately. She likes to try and grab their feet, or their face. Their tail is the most fun. Bella's tail was on the ground and the end was wagging back and forth and Avery tries to grab it. In the picture below, it looks like she crawled over to Bella, but I think she scooted backwards and ended up there. Bella just lays there and lets her do what she will do.
She is experimenting with different ways of moving around, like putting her leg straight beside her...
This was pretty amusing. My mom got her a Tickle Me Elmo for Christmas, which she has really not had an interest in, until now. This model is so cute - Elmo laughs and laughs, while moving from one position in the other. In the picture below, he is on his back, kicking his feet back and forth, laughing hysterically. She stared at that thing forever and would then laugh!! I love how she is starting to see how things work and is getting interested in stuff like this!!
Jason's parents came in Saturday night to take Sophia and Jordan on a trip to the lake to meet up with Uncle Scotty, Aunt Faith, Robert, Isom, Kadin, and Jax. They get to spend the whole week at Lake Corpus Christi with their cousins and they are SO EXCITED THEY CANNOT STAND IT. On Sunday night, Jordan said he might not be able to even go to sleep!!
Isom and Jordan are about the same age and are totally in to the same things. Spy stuff, ninja, swords, Indiana Jones. And Poppy just loves it too. So Jordan informed us that the three of them would be having secret spy meetings on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Ok, we said. Sounds good.
Sophia and Robert are also the same age. Kadin is 4 now and Jax is 2. The kids do not get a chance to see each other very often, just because they live south of San Antonio. Part time visitation is hard when your family lives out of town! So in July, when we get the kids for the whole month, they try to plan a time for everyone to see each other. Robert and Shari come down from Seattle, and they at least spend some time with everyone. We couldn't take this whole week off but we will be going down with Avery on Friday.
When they walked through the door, Jordan and Soph immediately had game-playing plans...
And here is another kiddo Nawnie was happy to see...
Can't wait till Friday!!!