This was SUCH a lower-key trip than last year.
Jason had a conference at the Mandalay Bay and we got moved to the Delano, which is a tower connected. This is the room...
This was our view at night...
We loved this hotel. It smelled great and it was all suites, so we had a one room, 1.5 bath room. The Mandalay is a pretty place to stay. It's all the way on the south end of the strip, so you aren't close to the Bellagio or Caesars, but I was just fine with that, to be honest.
There was a very nice hotel/beach area. The sodas were $5.50 each, so the hotel was incredibly expensive! But I found ways to eat cheaper and brought a few snacks in my bag, so that helped.
When Jason goes on these trips and I follow him, I have to admit, I spend a lot of time by myself. I think it would be nice to take someone with me next time! I did a lot of eating alone and taking selfies. I did a little gambling and it was nice to have some alone time, but it was a lot of waiting until he was done with his day. We were such fuddy duddies, we were in bed pretty early every night.
There was a Michael Jackson show in our hotel, so we heard a lot of his music in the time we were there!
It was a nice trip, very relaxing. But I am ready to go on an actual vacation with Jason where he doesn't have to work! Maybe we will plan a European trip next fall (ha ha, just kidding!)