Hey All!
I would like to try something on my blog that I haven't really done before. Having been inspired by my recent church retreat to insire other women, I have really wondered how I can go about doing that. I think the answer is: inspire women to inspire other women. And so on, and so forth! Well, I know many of you reading my blog have your own blogs and I know most all of you are women. So, I am looking for those of you who will participate with some upcoming link ups! These have not worked well in the past, but I am hoping God will move through us this time! The goal here is to spur questions and discussion that will help you find where your mentorship would fit in your church and in your life.
Every Tuesday, beginning next week, April 23rd, for the next 8 weeks, I will ask you to write a blog post answering a specific question. Then, I will ask you to link up to my blog, in an effort to inspire other women in their walk with God! I am calling it "Inspire Us Tuesdays!"
Here are the upcoming list of topics!
April 23 Witnessing to a Friend:Has God ever called you to witness to a friend? Were you were afraid?
April 30 The Womanly Influence: What woman has been your biggest influence of your Christian walk and how? OR, what woman do you turn to when you need guidance or Christian encouragement?
May 7 Women's Ministry: Tell us about your women's ministry team at your church. Do you have one?
May 14 Your Calling: What do you believe is your true calling in your church? Is there a ministry you would like to become a part of but haven't? Why or why not?
May 21 New Member: Tell us about joining your church and the beginning days of your time there. Was it easy or hard to get to know other women?
May 28 Church Conference: Tell us about a Christian conference you've attended that has moved you. If you haven't attended one, find one that you might like to attend and why.
May 28th Scripture Inspiration: What is your favorite verse when you need encouragement? Feel free to tell about a time when you used it.
June 4th Strengths and Weaknesses: What are your strengths as a friend? What are you weaknesses? What about to people you've just met?