I think I need to go back and read some tutorials on how to take pictures for blogs, because mine are simply awful.
At any rate, I "dipped" my chair!
Here it is before...
And after!
I even had a chance to do something I've wanted to do for a long time, which is spray paint fabric. It worked really, really well on the cushion. It's a little crinkly, but I think it will wear better after time.
The dipping process is incredibly easy. You just tape off and spray!
Jason told me that while he likes the blue, can we calm down on it for a while? I told him sure. I do love it but I don't want everything in my house that color, so I think this is the last big thing (I do have a mirror to show you, too) that I will do is Sea Foam.
I have some finishing touches to the foyer, but will be showing that shortly!
I have some finishing touches to the foyer, but will be showing that shortly!