So, I went to my meeting Friday and I am sorry to report, I didn't lose or gain one pound. Apparently, it's going to be a little harder for me to lose large amounts of weight because I am not really overweight in the first place. I am right on the higher end of the weight. The more overweight you are, the more weight that flies off in the beginning.
With that said, I think it's going to take a little bit more balance with Weight Watchers than I realized. I chose Weight Watchers because it's not limiting on the food I can eat. However, if I want to trim down, I still need to be smart about my food choices. Right now, I get about 31 points a day. I get an extra 49 bonus points a week that I can use whenever I choose. Then, every time I do an activity, I get activity points. I had so many extra points last week that I think I ate a little too much. On my Turbo Fire, the instructor made sure to tell us that if you want to lose weight, you have to create a deficit of calories. I just used up all of my points, which probably didn't help me.
At our meeting on Friday, we talked about settting goals and where we want to be by Labor Day, which is 12 weeks from today. It occurred to me this week that my goal is not to lose weight. My goal is to A) Be more active and B) Tone and lose inches. Last week, I was more active than I have been in two years. I got outside and did things. I worked out three days last week, HARD. And I liked it, go figure! I sweat. I was SORE. This weekend, I cleaned out my entire garage. I swam all day on Saturday. Jason and I went bowling Friday night, instead of going somewhere and sitting around. THIS is what I am looking for. Did we sit at home a couple of nights and watch movies? Yes. But I felt like I worked really hard for the ability to sit around and be lazy. I had gotten into such a rut of coming home and laying around that I was miserable. This last week, I have felt better about myself and my contribution to my body than I have in a long time. Weight Watchers started that motivation for me, so that's why it will work for me.
This week hasn't started off so well, so I am hoping I don't end the week GAINING weight. Sigh. It's a process, right?