Lesson #4: Stop asking other people's permission to change.
Ok - I have to admit a pet peeve I have. It's when adult women ask permission of other women of the person they should be.
I think when we get to a certain age, you just need to stop worrying about what other people think of you and just be the person you want to be. Stop worrying about people's opinions of things you are doing, stop expecting women's approval of the path you want your life to go, in general, just stop asking for permission from other people.
I have lost my patience, almost being 32, with constantly needing to reassure someone who is clearly unhappy with who they are and who wants to change. What exactly am I supposed to say for the 52nd time?
I stopped asking other women's permission to be the person I want to be. Let me be clear - I am not saying don't ask advice. I am not saying don't seek it out. I am not saying don't get guidance, or confide in close friends your struggles. I guess I am just saying that if you cannot decide who you want to be without needing everyone to agree with you, or are afraid to change your life because of other people might think, it's time to get over it and make the decision for yourself.
I would also like to be clear - You need to be cognisant of other people in your life. For instance, if you cuss but your family doesn't, you don't need to cuss in front of them out of respect. Use wisdom for those types of situations.
I am talking about your life path - how you want to be a mother, how you want to be treated in your relationship, what career path you want to take. Everyone has opinions about what you should do with your life. Breaking Your Mold is about recognizing YOUR wants and doing them if it's going to make you happy.
Ultimately, your life is yours to live. Don't expect other people to be constantly behind everything you do, every decision you make, every action you take, because it won't happen.