We went to my parents house today and my mom got washers for us to play with. Washers is a cool game!!! I'll have you know that I am proclaiming myself the washers champion! I did get beat twice, but I let them win. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Yes mom, I know you beat me. Yes, I know I cheated. You don't have to remind me.
My mom got the kids these styrofoam airplanes - Jordan named is the Hovering Arrow.
Sophia was allowed to stand closer because she was younger and wasn't doing very well. I think she is a Washers shark because she started to do really well and came very close to beating me one game. She got moved to the adult spot after that.
Jenna - THe Washers Champion!
Avery was very tired after. Don't you just love how she's crossing her legs? She is doing that alot lately.