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Showing posts from March, 2010

Wednesday Wrap Up

Today is officially St. Patricks Day and it's also 10 days until my wedding! For the first time in a long time, I chose not to go out for St. Patty's, for two reasons: going out costs money which for us, is quickly dwindling, and alcohol, at this point, would only hurt my stress level, not help it! So, Jason and I decided to go shopping for groomsmen gifts, which is NOT easy. You feel like you are buying something guys are never actually going to use. I don't care what you say, guys are harder to buy for. Well, at least harder to buy for when you don't have a ton of money to spend. Girls are MUCH easier. Jason text me today and said, "I am so excited, I am going to be your husband!" It gave me chills because he really is going to be my husband! I am really excited, I have butterflies pretty much all the time. It's very hard for me to focus on anything else besides what is happening next Saturday. As much as I try, it's hard. And I will forever have a r...

Bridals and Tooth Fairies

I had my bridal pictures done yesterday. Obviously, I cannot post those until after the wedding. One more thing down, and now less than 3 weeks till the wedding! It makes me sad each time another thing passes. My shower, my bridals - I just keep thinking that I will never have another one of those again and I need to savor every minute of it. My bachelorette party is coming up in 2 weeks, that will be A LOT of fun. It will be the first time I have had alot of my friends together in the same room. I have so many "eras" of my life, as we all do, the older we get. I have my friends from elementary, my friends from youth group, my friends from Roadhouse, and my friends from various jobs where I have worked. And now, all of them will be at the wedding and I am so excited. Jordan lost another tooth, this I will post because he looks so old now. I look at Jordan and Sophie and I can't believe I have known them a year. They seem so much older now, and it just makes me realize how...

My Friend Nikki

So, my friend Nikki said, change your background already! I said, I hate doing it, will you do it for me! And then, today, I look at my blog and Nikki has created this BEAUTIFUL new blog, which I absolutely love! I love my friend Nikki. She and I have been friends since we were 5 years old, in kindergarden together. We have been through good times, bad times, volleyball, choir, fights, birthday parties, graduation, weddings - it's funny when you have a friend that long, and you can look back on your lives together. She has known me during my young years, my awkward stage, and more events than I can possibly remember. We have been friends for close to 90% of our lives - that is so crazy to think of knowing someone that long that's not your family. Friends like that, the ones you stick together with, are ones that you can count on forever. I know that no matter what, I always have a home if I needed one, I always have help if I need it, and I have a friend I can call, and have, w...

8 At 8

So, because I have done so great this week and blogged EVERY DAY, I thought I would continue the trend. I was going to do "Thankful Thursday" but I changed my mind. Since it's 8 am, I am going to list 8 things that are on my mind right now... 1. Will the iPod connection work at the wedding venue? I woke up this morning with a horrible thought that it wouldn't. Yikes! 2. I am so glad my mom came to Frisco yesterday - she finds the BEST deals! 3. I spent way too much money on getting my nails done, a pedicure, and my hair cut. But I deserve it, after all this time! :-) 4. I get to see the kids tonight! Yay! 5. I am getting married in 3 weeks and 2 days. Wow. 6. I love my job! 7. I love my new coffee grinder. It rocks. 8. My shoes for my wedding day are the perfect pair. I was so worried about that! Have a great day, everybody!

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday List

Ok, it's actually Wednesday morning, but I kind of wanted to do this post because I thought it was cool! My sister had a list a few weeks ago, her grocery list! Luckily for me, I do not have many picky eaters over here, especially not Jason, but the kids are somewhat picky. They are kids, what do you expect? So, here is our basic grocery list when the kids spend the weekend with us! -Two gallons of milk -Cereal (mainly just for me, so it's usually raisin bran or something) -Apple Juice -Capri-Sun -Cokes -Two loaves of bread -Sandwich meat -Sliced cheese -Shredded Cheese -Two packages of fresh, not frozen, chicken breasts -One-Two pounds of hamburger meat -Bananas for the monkey Sophia -Apples -Grapes -Other fruit, just depends what's on sale -Dog Food -Some sort of sweet something -Cooking oil, they love fresh friend potatoes! -Canned veggies -Frozen veggies -Fresh lettuce, broccoli -Chocolate syrup, when I think about it -Chips -Mayo -Flour, sugar for pancakes, if we are i...

Not Me Mondays

In honor of my sister, who blogs more consistantly than I ever will, I have decided to do an edition of Not Me Mondays!!! It was not me who tripped 5 times in a pair of heels at work, one time losing my shoe altogether. I am certainly not a klutz, nor have I ever been. It was not me who waited until the last possible minute to complete a quiz in my dreadful technology class. And it was not me who said to my fiance yesterday about 100 times "I hate I.T., I hate I.T." It was not me who stopped in the middle of several activities last night to start new ones. I have the best attention span known to man, so I certainly wouldn't start a new activity without finishing one. It was not me who hasn't changed her blog background since New Years. Nope, not me, Jenna "the greatest blog updater EVER!" Last but not least, it was not me who left the cereal out all night. I would never do something like that, as everyone in my life knows. Have a great Tuesday!

My Showers

Ok ok I haven't updated my blog. Yes, I am getting married. Yes, I have had showers. But I haven't updated it - HOW DO YOU PEOPLE DO THIS SO FAST AND EVERY DAY??? Between school work, step-children, thank you notes and wedding stuff, I DON'T HAVE TIME! Anyway, I stole pictures from my sister's blog and Facebook pages, so if you have already seen these, I am very sorry! So, I had two showers, one last weekend and one this past Saturday. I am very sad because those are over. I can't believe how fast this wedding stuff is coming. Before I know it, my bridals will be over, my bachelorette party will be here, and my wedding will be over. :-( But I will be married to my best friend, so that is incredibly exciting! I will say, when all of this finally happens, it is a blur. I never understood as a kid when adults say time flies, but man, it sure does. Here are some pictures from the showers! Of course, my sister and I showed up to my first one wearing the exact same dress....